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~ For 6 people ~
Melt the butter in a large pan on low heat and fry the onion until it achieves a golden color (between 15 and 30 minutes depending on the thickness of the bottom of the pan). Add 2 tablespoons of cold water, cover the pan and let it simmer on a very low heat for 15 minutes.
Next add the flour and mix well. Cook the onions another 5 minutes without lid, stirring regularly. Add the chicken bouillon and white wine to the pan. Then the salt and pepper. Wait until the mixture begins to bubble and then allow the soup to gently simmer another 20 minutes.
Toast the slices of bread. The toast needs to be firm enough not to fall apart in the soup. You can use the oven or a toaster (oven). Place the toasted slices in a deep oven dish and pour the soup over it. The bread will automatically rise to the top. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the toast and place the dish in a heated oven, set to grill, for about 4 minutes. Keep an eye on your dish to make sure it doesn't come out black!